Beam Scope P5 Laser Beam Analyser
Main Specifications
- Measurable sources: Continuous Wave, CW.
- Wavelength Range: 190nm to 1150nm, silicon detector.
- Measured beam powers: 2mW to 0.5W for a 25mm diameter (1/e2) Gaussian beam @ 355nm, 2.5mm slit.
- Optical dynamic range: Minimum detectable signal at useful SNR is lower by 55 dB.
- Measured beam diameters: 0.5mm to 25mm.
- Measurement resolution: 0.05mm or 0.1%, whichever is greater.
- Measurement Accuracy: ±1%±1mm absolute accuracy.
- Measured beam profiles: X&Y linear & logarithmic profile display modes.
- Displayed Profiles: X only, Y only, X&Y, 2-D plot, 3-D plot, ISO 11146 Standard.
- Measured profile parameters:
- Gaussian beam diameter
- Gaussian fit
- Second moment beam diameter
- Knife-Edge beam diameter
- Centroid position, relative and absolute
- Ellipticity + Orientation of major axis
Services provided by PCBTC
- Diode laser beam profile analysis
- Technical services that give genuine value for money (20% discount for PCB User Club members)